Thursday, March 24, 2011


going to Canada tomorrow!!!

Gonna shralp some, get some, see some, people, shows, and so much stuff to dooooo.

In three days I hope I can.

My good friend Kieran Doyle has hopped across the pond for a brief moment of madness and as time so happens to coincide I've got the next few days off work!  Funtastic.

Complete with a Funday Munday, which is nice.

Just got two rolls of film developed.  Should get a few shots from each.  When I'm feeling especially prone to insomnia I'll post them probably listening to ASOT or Galactic or neither and something else.  Scanning and uploading is a bitch.  Especially if you're lazy.  Or its sunny and there's somewhere to bike to. Or shinyyyy shit distracts you.

just sayin.

Here are a couple of nuggets from Bellingham.  Home to many homies.  I'll be passing through on my way north tomorrow, late night, lots of skis, you know how we do!  ¡hacia la nieve la niegeeeeeee!


the moon was WAYYYY bigger the other night

inside looking out.

what do you see!?


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