Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Scotch Mist

I stumbled upon this a while back but never thought to share it.  One of my favorite bands playing one of my favorite albums.  Start playing it hahahahaha.  Then keep reading?  

The other day I was chatting with this guy.

He goes to school in Scotland and lives back East in Massachusetts.
I haven't seen him since San Silvestre days in Argentina..

The video is pretty sweet from a musicians perspective. All the cameras afford awesome angles and countless shots. Live Radiohead must be insane. All the different noises (and where each one is coming from) fascinates me. Music that leaves me wondering often gets remembers.

"What was that about?"
"What was that noise?"
How wow no way man holy crap that is perfect is that a perfect song what is perfection was that even a song of course it was was it blah blah blah

The video is visually appealing as well, which is nice :))  The final track on In Rainbows, Nude (at 46:26 in the vid) is accompanied by mindblowingly slow motioned out videography that makes me want to dream away or drift away or softcore headbang away for hours.

You know when you never want something to end?  Like that.

Try to take a minute and get lost in it.  Or at least go get lost in something :))

For me it's daydreaming I'm listening to Radiohead mellow me out inside El Club Social en La Paz, Entre Ríos, Argentina with Carlos drinking some Scotch as the band serenades us through the Mist.

There it is the Mist of Time
(have I time for one last
"don't make it cheeky"
no sir thank you
yes I wont

fix that later :P

1 comment:

  1. I broke up with someone to that Radiohead album, Nude in particular. For some stupid reason I had it playing on repeat before he came over. Fucked up, huh? To set such a mood. It certainly is a time piece for me. I guess all Radiohead is. You must definitely see Radiohead live before you die. Hopefully, they don't pull a Michael on you, like Michael did to my friend Katie. When he was touring. :-(
