I've been writing very basic Spanish poetry. Sometimes in English poems can get a little out of hand. I am enjoying the simplicity of basic words and very honest sentences. I think these poems are great because they are so straightforward and understandable. Sometimes poems are difficult to understand, difficult to get a solid feeling out of. Sometimes poems are just words with little meaning behind them, just words. After reading some poems to friends here I realized how childish they must sound to a native Spanish speaker. Hemingway believed that writing simply allowed for the truest sentences to emerge. I am with him. I'll post some once I've gotten them grammatically reworked. For now the simple words are complicated by grammatical madness.
Even simpler than poems are pictures. One unified statement, no periods or commas, just one thought to put out there. Here are four (an extra one for Mayss :P )
Cool things:
Alejandro, Adolfo, and Balduena subdue a formidable oponent before surgery. The other horses in the background look on awaiting the same fate. Great demonstration of teamwork as it takes three or four guys to take down a pony. For an old man Balduena works quick. But no one can tackle a horse quite like Ale, crazy gaucho. Adolfo just likes to talk them into tranquility and is quite good at it, being the head horseman on the ranch.
I am torn as to where I should go next, if I should go anywhere. If I go home the dream ends and a new one begins. If I backpack to Peru I will be on the road again, away from the comforts of one of South America's nicest cities. If I do that I'll hit Paraguay and Bolivia before getting to Peru and undoubtedly encounter some serious adventure (which is always fun ;)
I have no idea what I want to do besides something tomorrow. Help a brother out and give me some suggestions, por favors.
Until next time,
ps- if you want settings for the shots ask :) None of my photos are altered by photoshop or nothing. Just light and a camera.
tienes muy buenas fotos hoje!!!! Parabéns, Sean!
ReplyDelete(um pouco de português agora):
Infelizmente as fotos no blog ficam muito pequenas.
Eu gostaria de vê-las em tamanho real!
creo que si haces click en los photos les aparecen en tamaño real :)) son bien grandes!