Through my travels and what not I have found sharing photos on Facebook to be the easiest way to let my friends see my work. This blog is about the process of art as much as it is about art, life, whatever. But what I post in one place (or even what photo I choose/like or reject/dislike) varies depending on the audience. That is not to say that I shoot for a specific audience (besides myself). I don't shoot for anyone but me. I like to take photos of all sorts of things. Peoples, cars, animals, the sky, the mountains, ocean, boats, roads, backstreets, bums, trash, shiny things, yadda yadda yadda.
In the process of selection/editing (which really takes up the most of my "photography" time) something around 80% of my photos disappear to me. The ones yall see are usually topical, personal, art shots, or "the best" (haha!)
Here are a couple that I have no reason to post :)) I just like them, the people in them, or the story they tell.
The story of this series is "feeding out at L.C. Horse Farm." Hope you enjoy them!!
Buckets and buckets of rolled oats and molasses, feed supplements, and horses names.
Takanini feed:
Asian, No. 2, oats, electrolytes, sugar beets
Hugo the kitten takes a nice cat nap under Kevin's cap
More photos to come :)
keep checkin here and on my Facebook for more!!
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