Saturday, June 19, 2010

Una Mezcla de Words of Wisdom

Te lo dije
"cómo sa va?"
como la tierra
está llena con sol
y agua

And love
you had some in a place
we left behind

that city was
dirty and drunk
on moonlight and fernet
(para vos)

I drank for the morning to come
You drank to forget
something you had
left behind

We got along because
we did not understand each other
Because we chose not to
because we both spoke
a language that was not
our own

esta noche con la luna
con la luz
con la blanca
de la sábana

desde polvo de santos
y leyendas de libros
que nunca
he leido

Y leer

y vivir

pienso que los arboles
y las papeles
en que las palabras
estaban escribiendo
son como
en qualquiera manera

Quiero cruzar la frontera
el mar
con una oja
como un barco
de madera

I bleed into pages
of paper bleached white
I bleed blue
and black
and red

And I write
what I want
and I do
not even know

What I want
is so simple

it puzzles myself
when I see the nonsense that
surrounds us all

And yet I type
all the nonsense
until you tell me
to stop

I can love
you if you
want me

simplicity in
simple terms

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could understand more than just the English half of your beautiful poem! The English half is great tho... :)
