This took a while.
This is going to be random. This is going to be human. There are going to be pictures of people and places you've seen. There will be ideas in translation for all to interpret. There will be stories; some real, some lies, still more we have all yet to dream. There may be bad words, pictures of things you might not want to see, something that might be offensive to you- for this I apologize in advance. I'm a big fan of freedom of expression. I am here to be myself :) I invite you to come as you are. In short, there will be much.
I leave for Quito, Ecuador in nine days. I will be diving into a different world. I am as excited as any traveller about to embark on an adventure. With the excitement comes some nervousness. The unknown . Its the only place to explore for me :) For now my plans are tentative at best but I'll try to update this weekly at the least :? I'll be back in time for Vancouver 2010.. Can't wait for the the meantime I'll enjoy whatever I got :)))
I will be keeping anyone who happens to stumble upon this little blogPlanet posted on my whereabouts in the universe from time to time in various forms.
To my friends and family: your love inspires me and keeps me going.
So here goes something, a step in some direction,
ps- Shoutouts to CANADA, the Honorable Dr. of Law Kyle Baines, Kimo, Berklock Holmes, and the kitty krew; Martini (with his 40oz in hand!!), Vinay Kamat, Ansel Adams and John Muir, Katt Lee and Jay-Z, my brotha mikel bock always rockin to RAGE, Northern California, Alessandra Santos, skateboarding, Whistler Blackcomb, Salmon, Kokopelli Cafe (yeah!!), frisbees, Quindo and the whole Brettler clan, Kieran Doyle-brotha from across the pond, Jorge Luis Borges, Cortázar, y Allende, Saint Edward State Park (or any public park for that matter), Volkl skis, Mt. Rainier, Zapatistas, rock and roll, Nava and NEXUS passes (which I still dont have :P ), powder, Washington State apples and Tillamook cheese, Chase Jarvis, Mercedes Benz (HA!), people, anyone who has ever given me a ride or a dime or a smile and "hi," thanks for everything you given, especially you time. to my whole Vancouver crew, you are the best things ever. Much love to the homies, especially Compton, Miriam, Aron, Paul, Gaelen, Jerin, you know who you are...WHIPPLE!!!!! you are hilarious. You are an amazing friend- close confidant and honest critic. I love America like you do. Do work. Y practicar tu español, puta. Don't get all hollywood on me. Dipereedoo!! You keep it real. I will miss your wit and wisdom. You have provided me with endless conversation and companionship. Can't wait to save the earth with you :P Charles- no words hombre. We've been through some shit. I love you like a brother. You've helped me grow as an artist, as a man, as a human being. I gotta go catch this wave, but I'm not goin' in. "Be bright, be brave, & believe." Thanks to all for motivating me to be being honest and compassionate and to believe in myself. I have forgotten many, so let me know if you want some love :)
Finally, Mark Twain, one of my favorite writers, storytellers, liars, whatever you want to call him, once said, "Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did... So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."